Wednesday, April 4, 2012


"There is perhaps nothing more poignant and disquieting than the ephemeral light of a candle as it tears from top to bottom  the veil of the darkness that is the night. The veil hides our presupposed ‘truth’ of things, but the luminance of the candle, the trembling fragility of the flame affects and alters the way in which we see and therefore the way in which we understand the world." -Jac Saorsa

A visual artist, researcher in art and philosophy, and also a writer, Jac Saorsa has inspired me in his ways of representing his philosophical views in art, the way he views the world and shares his understanding of life through visual art.

Joseph Kosuth is another example of an artist that has translated his philosophical beliefs into visual art. He is an American contemporary artist that challenged the idea of conceptual art.

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